1982 G.I. Joe Communications Officer Code Name: Breaker
By: Karl Stern (@dragonkingkarl, @wiwcool, karl@whenitwascool.com)
G.I. Joe 1982 straight arm communications officer - breaker
The G.I. Joe Communications Officer, code name: Breaker was another of the first G.I. Joe action figures I got as a kid. I'm still not sure what attracted me to this particular figure since it is the only figure from the original line-up that did not come with a weapon. Breaker comes with a variety of accessories but it's all communications related. Breaker came packaged with a radio backpack, helmet, and head phone set that plugged into the backpack. I think it is that small piece of equipment that turned me onto Breaker as he looks really cool with the headset on.
Breakers head set and microphone plug into the radio backpack which attaches to the peg hole on his back.
I remember Breaker being a pretty sturdy figure but the arms are almost frozen on the one I have now. Probably a byproduct of the plastic heating and swelling over the years.
Breaker shares the same head sculpt as Clutch and Rock & Roll.
With the mic plugged into the helmet, breaker strikes a cool profile.