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1982 G.I. Joe Grunt Review
By: Karl Stern (@wiwcool, @dragonkingkarl,
1982 Straight arm G.I. Joe Grunt
This is my 1982 straight arm 3.75" G.I. Joe Infantry solider Grunt. This figure is the basic Army soldier. I understand that Grunt was originally envisioned as just a basic "green shirt" army builder type figure but by the time the line got to the final stages he had morphed into a singular character with his primary military specialty being infantry.
Grunt is about as basic as you can get- and that's not bad! He is a straight up 1960's-70's era Army Infantry solider decked out in Olive Drab green, a standard army helmet, back pack, and M-16 assault rifle.
Grunt comes with a very basic standard backpack.
Grunt came with an m-16 rifle and a sparse color scheme only olive drab green, brown highlights, and a brighter green pocket on the sleeve.
Grunt is very similar to the G.I. Joe bazooka solider zap. the two share the same head sculpt, arms, waist, and legs. the colors differ and zap's plastic is much more brittle. the chest and back are also different.