Batman is back on the cover of Detective Comics issue 29 cover dated July 1939.
We continue our Batman in Order series here with Detective Comics issue 29 cover dated July 1939. These Batman in Order reviews are less about the creators, behind the scenes, and the process of it all, and more about the story of The Batman, the character, and how he has changed and evolved and often represented or stood against common conventions of the time.
The third Batman story is part one of a two-part series about an antagonist called Doctor Death. This marks the first issue that Batman does NOT kill somebody, though he thinks he does.
Batman looms over Doctor Death.
A mysterious character called Doctor Death tells his servant Jabah that he has created a method of death by pollen extract that he will use to hold hostage wealthy victims until they pay him. Doctor Death knows that this will attract Batman’s attention so he decides to kill the Batman first. In an effort to contact Batman, Doctor Death places a personal ad in the newspaper. Bruce Wayne (which we, the reader learned in Detective Comics issue 27 is actually The Batman) reads this and instructs him to pick up a letter from the post office under the name John Jones. The letter tells Batman the time and location of a murder Doctor Death plans to commit.
Bruce Wayne gathers the gadgets he thinks he needs to defeat Doctor Death and, for the first time, we are introduced to the purpose of the yellow utility belt he has worn since Detective Comics issue 27. The belt holds glass pellets filled with choking gas. Batman also carries suction cup gloves and knee pads to assist in climbing buildings.
Bruce Wayne demonstrates for the reader how the utilitiy belt and suction cups will work.
The Batman drives to the crime scene in his car (not yet anything special like the Batmobile will ultimately become) and climbs the side of the building using his rope and suction cups. Batman is ambushed by two thugs who are waiting on him to come through the window. It is, of course, a trap.
Batman knocks a statue over knocking down the goons. Then Batman proceeds to viciously punch them out! Batman actually threatens to murder them if they don't talk. Jabah, the servant of Doctor Death, then enters with a gun and shoots the Batman in the shoulder. However, Batman is able to escape by throwing a pellet of choking gas and leaping out the window.
Batman throws a fire extingisher at Doctor Death causing a Huge fire.
Bruce Wayne then places an ad in the newspaper, stating that Batman accepts Doctor Death's challenge. In an awkward scene, Bruce Wayne visits the family doctor, who is concerned that Bruce has been shot. Bruce Wayne skirts around his questions about the gunshot wound.
Doctor Death is angry that his goons have failed him, so he sends Jabah to kill a man named John P. Van Smith. Bruce Wayne sees Jabah while driving and follows him. Jabah blows a poison dust at Smith, but Bruce Wayne saves the man's life. Bruce follows Jabah back to Doctor Death's hideout and returns as the Batman.
Batman managed not to kill anyone in this issue but wishes he did.
Batman breaks through Doctor Death's window and attacks. He instantly takes down Jabah by choking him with his lasso. Doctor Death escapes through a trap door but Batman follows. Doctor Death runs to his laboratory and grabs some chemicals to throw at Batman, but Batman grabs a fire extinguisher and throws it at Doctor Death, which makes him smash the chemicals which then ignites a fire, and the entire laboratory goes up in flames. Doctor Death stands in the fire and laughs at the Batman for being a fool. Batman believes Doctor Death dies in the fire, but we find out next issue that is not the case.
The Batman Timeline and Chronology:
03-30-1939: 1st Appearance of The Batman & Commissioner Gordon. Detective Comics issue 27.
06-1939: Batman swings from building to building with a rope for the first time. Detective Comics issue 28.
07-1939: The Utility Belt is used for the first time.
Batman Kill Count: 2
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