The introduction panel shows Batman with more prominant ears than before. Also, Batman was not on the cover of Detective Comics 30 but was in the lead story.
We continue our Batman in Order series here with Detective Comics issue 30 cover dated August 1939. These Batman in Order reviews are less about the creators, behind the scenes, and the process of it all, and more about the story of The Batman, the character, and how he has changed and evolved and often represented or stood against common conventions of the time.
The fourth Batman story is part two of a two-part series about an antagonist called Doctor Death. Batman not only kills somebody again in this issue (his third kill) he largely does so intentionally.
Pipe smoking bruce Wayne deduces that Doctor Death, believed to have been killed last issue, is still alive.
Bruce Wayne is reading the newspaper about a wealthy man named who died under mysterious circumstances, specifically, his corpse turned purple. Bruce Wayne recognizes this as the work of Doctor Death, whom he had believed had died in a fire the previous issue. Bruce Wayne visits his widow who explains that her husband was being blackmailed by Doctor Death, confirming his suspicions. The family had lost their money in the depression, but the widow still possesses valuable diamond heirlooms.
Bruce changes into his costume as The Batman, and prepares to face Doctor Death. He again stores gas vials in his utility belt in case he needs them. Batman breaks into the widows estate and opens their safe in order to protect the jewels.
Batman’s car, for the first time, is said to have been special built.
Doctor Death is, in fact, still alive, but disfigured from the fire in Detective Comics issue 29. Doctor Death’s henchman is named Mikhail. Doctor Death sends Mikhail to steal the widow’s diamonds, but Batman is waiting for him and follows him to find Doctor Death. Mikhail goes to the Ivan Herd Pawn Shop sales the diamonds and returns to his apartment. Batman climbs up the side of the building and drops down through a skylight. Batman breaks into Mikhail's bedroom and uses the choking gas to make sure Mikhail stays asleep, however, Mikhail recovers, and points a gun at the Batman, who leaps out the window, then swings back around with his rope. Mikhail sticks his head out the window, and the Batman breaks Mikhail's neck by kicking him in the head killing him dead.
We meet the disfigured Doctor Death. Batman now wears blue gloves. Previous they were either purple of flesh colored.
Batman literally breaks the henchman’s neck.
Batman returns to Ivan Herd's pawn shop to recover the diamonds. He swings in and confronts Ivan Herd, who recognizes him and tries to run, but Batman catches him with his lasso. It is then revealed that Ivan Herd was actually Doctor Death in disguise. He wore a flesh tone mask, to disguise the fact that his face was destroyed in the fire. Batman leaves Doctor Death tied up for the police. The police are surprised to find the jewels recovered and a note explaining their rightful owner. I suppose at this point they are also surprised to see Doctor Death still alive.
We see the true face of Doctor Death. Also, Batman is becoming more recognizable to his iconic version with the ears drawn far more prominately in this issue.
The Batman Timeline and Chronology:
03-30-1939: 1st Appearance of The Batman & Commissioner Gordon. Detective Comics issue 27.
06-1939: Batman swings from building to building with a rope for the first time. Detective Comics issue 28.
07-1939: The Utility Belt is used for the first time.
Batman Kill Count: 3
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