Care Bears
Hello ALL! Ok, so occasionally I am going to poke my head out & put an article or two on here I let's go! On a care bear journey....
So, when I was a little girl, I fell in love with the Care Bears! The original Care Bears were created in 1981. Starting out as artwork to be used on greeting cards, the characters later branched out into toys in 1982 and were also introduced in their first television special "The land without feelings" in 1983.
There were ten original Care Bears and more were added in 1984. The original ten bears were Bedtime Bear, Birthday Bear, Cheer Bear, Friend Bear, Funshine Bear, Good Luck Bear, Grumpy Bear, Love-A-Lot Bear, Tender Heart Bear, & Wish Bear.
Although my family was poor I somehow came to own a Tender Heart Bear . (I recently purchased another just like the one I had) Tender Heart Bear was the leader of the Care Bears & was used in the main Care Bears logo. His fur is brown & his tummy symbol is a big red heart with a pink outline.
Tender Heart Bear
All of the bears have heart shaped noses as well as heart shapes in their feet & a little strand of faux hair atop their heads. Their tummy symbol or "belly badges" represents their duty and personality. It is also their weapon or super power, so to speak, for when they stand together their respective tummy symbols radiate light that combine together to form a ray of love and good cheer which could bring care and joy into the targets heart. (Boy could we sure use some of that in the world today) this was called the "care bear stare", which is what they would say when they activated it.
Care Bear Stare
I only ever owned the one Tender Heart Bear when I was a little girl. Which I loved for many years but sadly I don't know what happened to him once I became a teenager. I sure wish I would've paid closer attention. I don't remember why I chose tender heart out of the ten bears. Being a girl I would have thought I would have chosen a pink one for sure. Tender Heart Bears personality is to help everyone show and express their feelings and to help his fellow care bear be the most caring they can be...of course I didn't know this as a child. It's something I just read about my old friend Tender Heart Bear. With all the judging and hate going on in the world that really touched my heart as I read it. Isn't it amazing how something as simple as an old stuffed bear can remind you of the most important things in life..? Remember "sharing is caring"! So until next time, love & light my friends..
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