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The new Guinea Man eater (Elisa Nick) photo from pro wrestler and southern wrestling historian extraordinaire "King of Kingsport" Beau James.
Notes from the April 1984 Wrestling Observer Newsletter (about February 1984): This group has problems with wrestlers showing up as advertised. The February 20, 1984 Birmingham card has four no shows (Wayne Farris, David Morgan, Robert Fuller, and Killer Karl Krupp). David Morgan, who really is the English wrestler who appeared a decade ago in Los Angeles (he was pretty good) was to wrestle Larry Hamilton, who many of you may recall as the fairly competent TV jobber who appeared in Atlanta once or twice about 18 months ago. It was announced Hamilton had won the belt (the NWA U.S. Junior title) earlier that week in Montgomery. Hamilton, I (Dave Meltzer) believe, wrestled at 177 at Tampa University. Wayne Farris and Robert Fuller were announced as being injured while Killer Karl Krupp has left the area... Jerry Stubbs was stripped of the NWA Southeastern heavyweight title after attacking a couple of referees on television. The tournament (to fill the vacant title) took place on February 7 in Mobile won by Wayne Farris... Wayne Farris is now a good guy after feuding with Sonny King's stable of the New Guinea Man Eater & Boris Zurkoff. The New Guinea Man Eater has long black hair on one side and is shaved bald on the other. Wayne Farris beat Boris Zurkoff on February 13 in a Russian Chain match... The New Guinea Man Eater downed Charlie Cook by count out on February 6 the same night that David Morgan beat Ken Lucas to originally win the NWA U.S. Junior title.
February 1, 1984: No results.
February 2, 1984: No results.
February 3, 1984: No results.
February 4, 1984 (Television Show): No results. (173)
February 5, 1984: No results.
February 6, 1984 (Birmingham, AL) (Boutwell Auditorium): Jerry Stubbs & Arn Anderson defeated Charlie Cook & Jacques Rougeau... David Morgan defeated Ken Lucas to win the NWA U.S. Junior title... New Guinea Man Eater (Elisa Nick) defeated Charlie Cook by count out... Robert Fuller defeated Rip Rogers... Ric McCord defeated Randy Barber... Wayne Farris defeated Boris Zurkov.
February 7, 1984 (Mobile, AL) (Expo Hall): Complete results not available... Wayne Farris won a tournament for the NWA Southeastern heavyweight title. First Round Pairings: Jimmy Golden vs Boris Zhukov… Robert Fuller vs Jerry Stubbs… Jacques Rougeau vs Arn Anderson… Charlie Cook vs The New Guinea Man Eater… Wayne Farris vs Sonny King… Ric McCord vs The Superstar… Rip Rogers vs Scott Armstrong
February 8, 1984: No results.
February 9, 1984: No results.
February 10, 1984: No results.
February 11, 1984 (Television Show): No results. (174)
February 12, 1984: (Pensacola, FL) (Municipal Auditorium): Wayne Farris vs. New Guinea Man Eater… Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden & Jacques Rougeau vs. Jerry Stubbs & Arn Anderson & Boris Zhukov… Charlie Cook vs. Sonny King… Rip Rogers vs. Larry Hamilton… David Morgan vs. Rick McCord
February 13, 1984 (Birmingham, AL): Wayne Farris defeated Boris Zurkov in a chain match... Jerry Stubbs & Arn Anderson defeated Jimmy Golden & Robert Fuller... Charlie Cook defeated The New Guinea Man Eater (Elisa Nick) by DQ... Larry Hamilton defeated Wendell Cooley... Killer Karl Krupp defeated Ric McCord... Jacques Rougeau battled Rip Rogers to a draw.
February 14, 1984: (Mobile, AL) (Expo Hall): Alabama Title Match: Charlie Cook (c) vs New Guinea Man Eater… Boris Zhukov vs Wayne Farris (Russian Chain Match)… Southeastern tag team title match: Arn Anderson and Jerry Stubbs (c) vs Jimmy Golden and Robert Fuller… Jacques Rougeau vs Rip Rogers… United States Junior Heavyweight Title Tournament: David Morgan vs Larry Hamilton… Ric McCord vs Scott Armstrong
February 15, 1984: No results.
February 16, 1984: No results.
February 17, 1984: No results.
February 18, 1984 (Television Show): No results. (175)
February 19, 1984: No results.
February 20, 1984 (Birmingham, AL) (Boutwell Auditorium): Rip Rogers defeated Rick Connors... New Guinea Man Eater (Elisa Nick) defeated Ric McCord... Larry Hamilton defeated Pete Martin... Jacques Rougeau defeated Boris Zurkov by DQ... Charlie Cook defeated Franklin Hayes (John Tatum)... Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden defeated Jerry Stubbs & Arn Anderson... Wrestling Observer Newsletter reports there were four no-shows including: Wayne Farris, David Morgan, Robert Fuller, and Killer Karl Krupp but according to these results Robert Fuller wrestled.
February 21, 1984: (Mobile, AL) (Expo Hall) Arn Anderson & Jerry Stubbs vs. Robert Fuller & Jimmy Golden for the Southeastern tag team titles… Wayne Farris vs. Boris Zhukov for the Southeastern heavyweight title… Jacques Rougeau vs. Franklin Hayes (John Tatum)… Ric McCord vs. New Guinea Man Eater… Rip Rogers vs Rick Conners.
February 22, 1984: No results.
February 23, 1984: No results.
February 24, 1984: No results.
February 25, 1984 (Television Show): No results. (176)
February 26, 1984: No results.
February 27, 1984 (Birmingham, AL): Ron Fuller & Jimmy Golden battled Jerry Stubbs & Arn Anderson to a draw... Boris Zurkov defeated Jacques Rougeau... Charlie Cook defeated The New Guinea Man Eater (Elisa Nick)... Larry Hamilton defeated David Morgan to win the NWA U.S. Junior heavyweight title... Ric McCord defeated Ric Connors.
February 28, 1984: No results.