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Superman - 3.75 inch DC Infinite Heroes Crisis Action Figure Review
By: Karl Stern (@wiwcool, @dragonkingkarl,
I love almost everything about this superman action figure (except the giant hands). The head sculpt is probably my favorite superman sculpt in any scale.
This is one of my favorite Superman action figures in any scale. The only negative is the cartoonish arms on all the DC Infinite Heroes Crisis action figures, I wish the arms were more realistic, but when I picture Superman- this is what I picture.
The DC Infinite Heroes Crisis action figures aren't super articulated but I'm fine with that. In fact, and maybe I'm in the minority here, but I think action figures have become TOO articulated to the point they won't stand up. Just look at the Marvel Universe / Marvel Legends figures. They have lots of articulation but often look ridiculous. I honestly don't even see how kids can play with them.
Even the painted superman symbol on the cape is amazing.
This Superman figure came packaged in several different sets during the time that DC Infinite Heroes Crisis line was active. The figure came single carded and in multiple different multi-packs so it is pretty easy to come by on the secondary collectors market. As far as 3.75 inch action figures go, I'm really a big fan of this particular Superman. The head sculpt is perfect, the paint is bright and vivid, and the cape isn't distracting and over wrought.
Just a perfect 3.75 inch action figure (except the hands).
Superman side by side with a newer Superman: Man of Steel figure which is terrible. I do wish i could swap out the hands but that is absolutely the only thing better about the more recent superman figures.