Ultimate History of Pro Wrestling - A Time Line of Every Major Event in Pro Wrestling History - 1971
By: Karl Stern
The year in pro wrestling history 1971 is covered on the Long Form History of Wrestling Podcast - Click Here.
01-01-1971: St. Louis, MO: Kiel Auditorium: Attendance: 11,587: Luis Martinez & Guy Mitchell defeat Tom Andrews & Moose Cholak 2 falls to 1… Eddie Graham defeats Stan Pulaski… Bill Miller defeats Reggie Parks… Pak Song defeats Dewey Robertson… Baron Von Raschke defeats Bob Windham (AKA: Blackjack Mulligan)… Pat O'Connor & Rufus R. Jones defeat Blackjack Lanza & Hans Schmidt… NWA World Heavyweight champion Dory Funk Jr. wrestled Jack Brisco to a Time Limit Draw splitting one fall each.
01-07-1971: Chavo Guerrero, Jr. is born. He is the son of wrestler Chavo Guerrero and nephew of Hector, Mando, and Eddy Guerrero. He is the grandson of Gory Guerrero.
01-08-1971: In Houston, TX before a crowd of 12,000: NWA World heavyweight champion Dory Funk, Jr. defeated Wahoo McDaniel… Johnny Valentine defeated Mr. Wrestling (Tim Woods) to retain the Texas title… Pepper Gomez defeated Killer Kowalski by DQ… Toru Tanaka defeated George Scott… Thunderbolt Patterson defeated Mike York… Klondike Bill defeated Jimmy Valiant.
01-14-1971: AWA: Milwaukee, WI: Arena: Attendance 10,840: Hercules Cortez defeats The Big K (Stan Kowalski)… Red Bastien defeats Strong Kobayashi by DQ… Lars Anderson defeats Bill Howard… Nick Bockwinkel defeats Paul Diamond… AWA World Tag Team champions The Vachons (Butcher Vachon & Mad Dog Vachon) defeat Bull Bullinski & The Crusher by Count Out 2 falls to 1.
01-15-1971: Los Angeles, CA: Olympic Auditorium: Attendance 11,589: Medic 1 defeats Manuel Valentino… Joey Russell & Sonny Boy Hayes defeat Little Brutus & Sky Low Low… Bob Ramstead wrestled Takachiho to a Draw… Jack Armstrong defeats Hector Lamas… Suni War Cloud defeats The Oregon Lumberjack… Abdullah The Butcher wrestled Don Leo Jonathan to a Draw… NWA Americas champion Fred Blassie defeats Dutch Savage by DQ… Kinji Shibuya & Mr. Saito defeat Earl Maynard & Rocky Johnson… Mil Mascaras & Ray Mendoza defeat NWA Americas Tag Team champions Black Gordman & The Great Goliath to win the titles… 22 Man 11.000 Dollar Battle Royal: The Professional (Doug Gilbert (Doug Lindsay) wins.
01-18-1971: Ivan Koloff managed by Lou Albano, upsets Bruno Sammartino at Madison Square Garden for the WWWF title in one of the most famous Madison Square Garden matches in history. The sell out crowd of 21,106 is said to have fallen deathly silent following the amazing upset and is one of the most unforgettable moments ever in pro wrestling. Ivan Koloff comes off the top rope with a knee drop pinning Bruno Sammartino… WWWF International tag team champions Bepo (Nikolai Volkoff) & Geeto Mongol battled Chief Jay Strongbow & Gorilla Monsoon to a draw… WWWF U.S. champion Pedro Morales defeated The Wolfman… Bulldog Brower defeated Tony Marino… Blackjack Mulligan defeated Jose Rivera… Manuel Soto defeated Mike Conrad… Vince Pometti defeated Black Demon… Jean Dubois defeated Joe Turco.
01-19-1971: Jack Brisco defeats Tarzan Tyler for the Florida title in Tampa.
01-22-1971: In Atlanta, GA at the Municipal Auditorium NWA World champion Dory Funk, Jr. defeated Paul Demarco.
01-23-1971: In San Francisco, CA with a crowd of 6,197 at the Cow Palace: Ray Stevens & Peter Maivia defeated Pat Patterson & Superstar Billy Graham for the World tag team titles… Mighty Brutus defeated Cyclone Negro… Rocky Johnson & Antonio Parisi defeated Kinji Shibuya & The Pro… Mr. Saito defeated Earl Maynard… Pepper Martin defeated Earl White.
01-27-1971: Gene Kiniski chops off part of his thumb while cutting firewood at his home. Doctors are able to reattach it but he misses several weeks of action.
02-05-1971: El Mongol wins the Georgia title from Nick Bockwinkel in a tournament final in Atlanta, GA. Also in the tournament were: Bob Griffin, Skandor Akbar, Dick Steinborn, Bobo Brazil, Kubla Khan, Eduardo DeLynch, The Assassin II (Tom Renesto), Michel Dubois, Jim Wilson, Mr. Ito, Luke Graham, and Fidel Castillo.
02-08-1971: Pedro Morales defeats Ivan Koloff at Madison Square Garden in front of 21,812 fans to win the WWWF title… Bruno Sammartino defeated Geeto Mongol… Bepo Mongol (Nikolai Volkoff) battled Gorilla Monsoon to a double count out… Blackjack Mulligan defeated Tony Marino… Frenchy Lamont & Joey Russell defeated Sky Low Low & Little Brutus… The Wolfman battled Manuel Soto to a draw… Jack Evans defeated Jean Dubois… Vince Pometti defeated Lee Wong.
02-12-1971: Spectator Sports (Bruno Sammartino’s promotion): Pittsburgh, PA: Civic Arena: Attendance 11,331: John L. Sullivan (Johnny Valiant) defeats Frank Durso… Johnny DeFazio defeats Mike Conrad… Bobby Hunt wrestled Frank Holtz to a double count out… Gino Brito defeats Jim Dillon… Victor Rivera defeats Jim Grabmire… Bill Miller & Dominic DeNucci & Gorilla Monsoon defeat Baron Mikel Scicluna & George Steele & Jos LeDuc by DQ 2 falls to 1… Bruno Sammartino defeats Ivan Koloff (who just won the WWWF title 4 days earlier) by DQ.
02-14-1971: Tommy Dreamer is born.
Nelson "Viscera/Mabel" Frazier Jr. was born.
02-15-1971: WWWF: Washington DC: Coliseum: 5,000+; the largest crowd in 5 years: Chief Jay Strongbow fought Bulldog Brower to a draw… Gorilla Monsoon defeated the Wolfman… Blackjack Mulligan pinned Manuel Soto… Tony Marino defeated Jean DuBois… Bull Pometti defeated Lee Wong… Ernie Lassiter defeated Mike Conrad… Miguel Feliciano defeated Joe Turco… US champion Bobo Brazil defeated Ivan Koloff… WWWF champion Pedro Morales defeated the Black Demon.
02-17-1971: In Buffalo, NY with a crowd of 7,583: Ernie Ladd defeated Dominic Denucci… L’il Abner defeated The Assassin… Bobo Brazil defeated Hans Schmidt… The Executioner defeated Frank Fozo… Haystacks Calhoun defeated Fred Madison… The Mysterian defeated Bruce Swayze… Victor Rivera & Chief White Owl defeated Eric the Red & Karl Von Hess.
02-19-1971: Mil Mascaras (Aaron Rodriguez) wrestles his first Japanese match in Tokyo, Japan and defeats Kentaro Hoshino.
02-21-1971: MLW: Toronto, Canada: Maple Leaf Gardens: Attendance 18,000: Joey Russell & Sonny Boy Hayes defeat Frenchy Lamonte & Little Brutus 2 falls to 1… Dominic DeNucci defeats Mike Loren… Mitsu Arakawa & The Masked Assassin defeat Ben Justice & Lou Klein… The Love Brothers (Hartford Love & Reginald Love) defeat Ivan Kalmikoff & The Mighty Igor… Tex McKenzie defeats Bill Miller… Luis Martinez & Sweet Daddy Siki wrestled The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) (w/Man Mountain Cannon) to a Time Limit Draw… Whipper Billy Watson & Haystacks Calhoun defeat Man Mountain Cannon & The Mighty Ursus… NWA (Detroit) United States champion The Sheik defeats NWA (Toronto) United States champion Tiger Jeet Singh by DQ.
03-02-1971: JWA: in Tokyo, Japan: Sumo Hall: NWA International tag team champions Giant Baba & Antonio Inoki beat Mil Mascaras & Spiros Arion.
03-05-1971: Toru Tanaka loses the NWA American title to Wahoo McDaniel in Houston, TX.
03-06-1971: Sean (Val Venis) Morley was born.
In San Francisco, CA with a crowd of 7,120 at the Cow Palace: Ray Stevens defeated Superstar Billy Graham to retain the U.S. title… Peter Maivia & Rocky Johnson & Antonio Parisi defeated Kinji Shibuya & Pat Patterson & Mr. Saito… Jean Vachon defeated Jessica Rodgers… Paul Demarco defeated Blackie Gordman… Mighty Brutus defeated Pepper Martin.
03-09-1971: Tiger Ali Singh is born. He is the son of Tiger Jeet Singh.
03-14-1971: MLW: Toronto, Canada: Maple Leaf Gardens: Attendance 18,000: Linda Klein wrestled Mary Jane Mull to a Draw… Dewey Robertson wrestled Joe Christie to a Draw… Fred Atkins wrestled Ivan Kalmikoff to a Draw… The Mighty Ursus defeats Mike Loren… The Mighty Igor defeats Mitsu Arakawa by DQ… Tex McKenzie defeats Man Mountain Cannon… Luis Martinez & Sweet Daddy Siki wrestled The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) to a Draw… The Love Brothers (Hartford Love & Reginald Love) defeat Lou Klein & Murray Cummings… Haystacks Calhoun & Whipper Billy Watson defeat The Skull Brothers (Skull Brother #1 & Skull Brother #2) … NWA United States Heavyweight Title / NWA Toronto United States Heavyweight Title Match: The Sheik [United States] vs. Tiger Jeet Singh [Toronto] - No Contest.
03-15-1971: Pedro Morales makes his first defense of the WWWF title by defeating Blackjack Mulligan in front of 21,430 fans at Madison Square Garden… Gorilla Monsoon defeated The Wolfman… Chief Jay Strongbow battled Bulldog Brower to a draw… Tony Marino defeated Mike Conrad… Sky Low Low & Little Brutus defeated Joey Russell & Sonny Boy Hayes… Jose Rivera defeated Jack Evans… Manuel Soto defeated Johnny Rodz.
03-18-1971: Sports Illustrated magazine runs an article examining a story about former World champion the late Ed “Strangler” Lewis challenging then world boxing champion Jack Dempsey to a mixed match.
The Masked Texan defeats Buddy Austin for the Florida TV title then unmasks as Terry Funk.
03-20-1971: At WOXI studios in Atlanta, GA Klondike Bill defeated Luke Graham to win the Georgia TV title.
03-21-1971: MLW: Toronto, Canada: Maple Leaf Gardens: Attendance 14,000: Ben Justice wrestled The Mighty Ursus to a Time Limit Draw… Fred Atkins wrestled Murray Cummings to a Time Limit Draw… Dewey Robertson defeats Mike Loren… Sky Low Low defeats Joey Russell 2 falls to 1… Mitsu Arakawa & Yoshino Sato defeat Ivan Kalmikoff & The Mighty Igor… Man Mountain Cannon & The Masked Assassin defeat Bobo Brazil & Lou Klein… Luis Martinez & Sweet Daddy Siki wrestled The Love Brothers (Hartford Love & Reginald Love) to a Time Limit Draw… Tex McKenzie defeats Hans Schmidt… Whipper Billy Watson & Haystacks Calhoun defeat The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) by DQ… Non-Title Texas Death Match: The Sheik defeats Tiger Jeet Singh.
03-23-1971: The Grappler (Johnny Walker AKA: Mr. Wrestling II) wins the Southern (FL) heavyweight title from Rene Goulet in Tampa, FL.
03-26-1971: Los Angeles, CA: Olympic Auditorium: Attendance 11,721: Earl Maynard defeats Miguel Valentino… Bob Ramstead & Bull Ramos defeat Pantera Negra & The Saint… Paul DeMarco defeats The Falcon… Peter Maivia defeats Mr. Saito… Mil Mascaras defeats Jos LeDuc… Antonio Inoki defeats NWA United National champion John Tolos to win the title… NWA Americas Tag Team champions Black Gordman & Great Goliath defeat Ray Mendoza & Suni War Cloud… Kinji Shibuya defeats NWA Americas Heavyweight champion Fred Blassie by DQ.
WWWF: Boston, MA: Boston Garden: Attendance: 13,681: Tahiti Kid & Sonny Boy Hayes defeated Sky Low Low & Little Brutus… Joe Crugnale fought Mike Conrad to a draw… Johnny Rodz fought Lee Wong to a draw… Juan Caruso defeated Manuka Akim… Manuel Soto defeated Vincente Pometti… Beautiful Bobby defeated Pete Sanchez… Blackjack Mulligan defeated Tony Marino… WWWF champion Pedro Morales defeated Bulldog Brower.
03-30-1971: Terry & Dory Funk, Jr wins the Florida tag team titles from Jack & Jerry Brisco in Tampa.
04-02-1971: Ray Gunkel & El Mongol wins the Georgia tag team titles over The Assassins (Tom Renesto & Jody Hamilton) in Atlanta in a steel cage match.
St. Louis, MO: Arena: Attendance: 11,033: Rock Hunter & Roger Kirby defeat Bob Roop & Luis Martinez 2 falls to 1… Greg Valentine defeats Tinker Todd… Dory Funk, Sr. defeats Don Fargo… NWA Central States champion Harley Race defeats Ronnie Etchison… Baron Von Raschke & Hans Schmidt & Big Bill Miller defeat Jack Brisco & Eddie Graham & Rufus R. Jones 2 falls to 1… NWA World Heavyweight champion Dory Funk Jr. defeated Blackjack Lanza 2 falls to 1 in a steel cage match with special referee Pat O’Connor.
04-04-1971: MLW: Toronto, Canada: Maple Leaf Gardens: Attendance 10,000: Fred Atkins wrestled Joe Christie to a Time Limit Draw… Mike Loren defeats Man Mountain Cannon by DQ… Mitsu Arakawa & Yoshino Sato defeat Ben Justice & Lou Klein… The Love Brothers (Hartford Love & Reginald Love) defeat Dewey Robertson & Nick DeCarlo… The Skull Brothers (Skull Brother #1 & Skull Brother #2) defeat Ivan Kalmikoff & The Mighty Igor… Whipper Billy Watson & Sweet Daddy Siki defeat The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) … Bobo Brazil defeats The Masked Assassin (Jerry Valiant) … Tex McKenzie defeats The Mighty Ursus… Arkansas Chain Match: The Sheik defeats Haystacks Calhoun.
04-14-1971: Terry Funk wins the Southern (FL) title from The Grappler (Johnny Walker) in Miami, FL.
04-18-1971: MLW: Toronto, Canada: Maple Leaf Gardens: Attendance 10,000: Dutch Momberg (Killer Karl Krupp) wrestled Lou Klein to a Time Limit Draw… Dominic DeNucci defeats Gene Madrid… Mike Loren defeats Joe Christie by DQ… Baron Mikel Scicluna defeats Nick DeCarlo… Mitsu Arakawa & Yoshino Sato defeat Dewey Robertson & Fred Atkins… Bobo Brazil & Luis Martinez wrestled The Love Brothers (Hartford Love & Reginald Love) to a Time Limit Draw… Haystacks Calhoun & Whipper Billy Watson defeat The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) by DQ… Ivan Kalmikoff & The Mighty Igor defeat Man Mountain Cannon & The Masked Assassin (Jerry Valiant)… Lord Athol Layton defeats The Mighty Ursus… NWA United States champion The Sheik defeats Tex McKenzie by DQ.
04-19-1971: There is some conflicting information about who was the Montreal champion on this date. Several reliable sources say Jos LeDuc won the title a week earlier, but historian Paul Sosnowski cannot find newspaper verification for that. According to the April 20, 1971 Montreal Gazette, Johnny Rougeau retained the title in this match at the Montreal Forum: Attendance 9,276: Montreal World Heavyweight champion Johnny Rougeau wrestled Jos LeDuc to a double count out after splitting one fall each.
04-21-1971: Dick Murdoch defeats Terry Funk in Miami, FL for the Florida title.
Axl Rotten is born.
04-30-1971: Gulf Athletic Club (NWA Houston): Sam Houston Coliseum: Attendance: more than 10,000: Gorgeous George Jr. defeats Bob Ramstead… Pepper Gomez & Tim Woods defeat Bronko Lubich & Chris Markoff… Terry Funk wrestled Thunderbolt Patterson to a Time Limit Draw… Toru Tanaka defeats NWA Texas Brass Knuckles champion Johnny Valentine 2 falls to 1 to win the title… NWA World Heavyweight champion Dory Funk Jr. wrestled Wahoo McDaniel to a Time Limit Draw. One hour with no falls.
05-08-1971: FA Cup Final Day Wrestling Special 1971 in St. Albans, UK: Shown on ITV: Mick McManus & Steve Logan beat Johnny Kincaid & Johnny Kwango… Steve Veidor drew Mike Marino in three falls after each had won a fall… Kendo Nagasaki beat Wayne Bridges.
05-09-1971: Tatsumi Fujinami makes his pro wrestling debut for New Japan Pro Wrestling.
Toronto, Canada: Maple Leaf Gardens: Attendance: 11,000: Chris Tolos defeated Mike Loren… John Quinn defeated Lou Klein… Dominic DeNucci defeated Ivan Kalmikoff… Sweet Daddy Siki wrestled The Masked Assassin (Jerry Valiant) to a Time Limit Draw… Tex McKenzie defeated Man Mountain Cannon… The Love Brothers (Hartford Love & Reginald Love) wrestled Mitsu Arakawa & Yoshino Sato to a Time Limit Draw… The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) wrestled The Mighty Igor & Dewey Robertson to a Time Limit Draw… Bobo Brazil & Luis Martinez defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna & Skull Brother #2… Whipper Billy Watson & Haystacks Calhoun defeated Hans Schmidt & The Mighty Ursus… Death Match: The Sheik besiegt Lord Athol Layton.
05-15-1971: Red Bastien & Hercules Cortez win the AWA World tag team titles from Mad Dog & Butcher Vachon in Milwaukee, WI.
WWWF: Boston, MA: Boston Garden: Attendance 12,000 (Boston Globe) or 9,587 (Boston Record-American): The Fabulous Moolah & Donna Christianello defeats Vicki Williams & Sharon Joy 2 falls to 1… Manuel Soto defeats Akim Manuka… Jimmy Valiant defeats Johnny Rodz… Beautiful Bobby Harmon defeats Mike Pappas… Gorilla Monsoon defeats Juan Caruso & Vincente Pometti in a handicap match… Tarzan Tyler defeats Tony Marino… Chief Jay Strongbow wrestled Bulldog Brower to a 20 minute draw… WWWF Heavyweight champion Pedro Morales wrestled Blackjack Mulligan to a no contest after a fan attacks and stabs Mulligan during the match which set off a riot.
05-17-1971: Kurt Von Poppenheim files an anti-trust lawsuit against the Portland Boxing and Wrestling Commission, the National Wrestling Alliance, and Don Owen.
05-19-1971: Giant Baba defeats Abdullah the Butcher to win the annual JWA World League Tournament.
05-20-1971: Roger Kirby defeats Danny Hodge for the NWA World Junior title in New Orleans, LA.
05-24-1971: WWWF at Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY: Attendance: 18,527: WWWF champion Pedro Morales defeated Tarzan Tyler… Luke Graham defeated Gorilla Monsoon by count out… Eddie Graham battled Chief Jay Strongbow to a draw… Bob Roop defeated Akim Manuka… Beautiful Bobby (Bob Harmon) defeated Mike Pappas… Sonny Boy Hayes & Tahiti Kid defeated Sky Low Low & Little Brutus… Jimmy Valiant defeated Vince Pometti… Manuel Soto defeated Juan Caruso.
05-29-1971: The JWA refuses Antonio Inoki’s request for a shot at Giant Baba’s NWA International title.
Bobo Brazil defeats The Sheik for the U.S. title at Cobo Hall in Detroit, MI ending the Sheik’s nearly six year run as champion.
06-1971: Luke Graham & Tarzan Tyler are recognized as the first WWWF World tag team champions. They allegedly defeated Dick the Bruiser & The Sheik in a tournament in New Orleans, LA to win the title.
06-06-1971: In Toronto, ON: Varsity Stadium drawing 17,000: Sandy Parker beat Peggy Patterson… Athol Layton beat Mr. Sato… Ernie Ladd beat Lou Klein… Hans Schmidt beat Mighty Ursus… Dominic DeNucci beat Mike Loren… Billy Watson, Jr beat Gene Madrid… The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) drew Tex McKenzie & Mighty Igor… Hartford & Reginald Love drew Sweet Daddy Siki & Luis Martinez… Masked Assassin & Mikel Scicluna beat Ivan Kalmikoff & Fred Atkins… Bobo Brazil & Dewey Robertson beat John Quinn & Man Mountain Cannon… Billy Watson & Haystacks Calhoun beat Mitsu Arakawa & Chris Tolos… NWA World champion Dory Funk, Jr. battled The Sheik to a double count out.
06-07-1971: The first ever pro wrestling show takes place at the Mid-South Coliseum in Memphis, TN drawing 9,253: Tinker Todd beat Mario Galento via DQ… Darling Dagmar & Cora Combs beat Diamond Lil & Ann Casey… The Alaskans (Mike York & Frank Monte) beat Bearcat Brown & Frank Hester… NWA Women's World champion The Fabulous Moolah beat Vicki Williams… Southern Junior Heavyweight champion Len Rossi beat Sputnik Monroe… NWA World tag team champions Kurt & Karl Von Brauner beat Jackie & Roughhouse Fargo… Al & Don Greene beat Southern tag team champions Jerry Jarrett & Tojo Yamamoto via DQ in a hair vs. title match. Steve Clements' hair was on the line if the Greenes lost.
06-08-1971: Jack Brisco wins the Southern (FL) title from Dick Murdoch in Tampa.
06-11-1971: In Atlanta, GA, The Assassins (Jody Hamilton & Tom Renesto) defeated Ray Gunkel & El Mongol for the Georgia tag team titles.
06-12-1971: WWWF: Boston, MA: Boston Garden: 8,573: Juan Caruso defeated Miguel Feliciano… Manuel Soto defeated the Great Zolo… Mike Pappas defeated Manuka Akim… Jimmy Valiant defeated Jack Evans… Beautiful Bobby defeated Jose Rivera… Gorilla Monsoon defeated the Black Demon… Chief Jay Strongbow fought Luke Graham to a double DQ… WWWF champion Pedro Morales defeated Tarzan Tyler via DQ.
06-13-1971: Alberto Torres suffers internal injuries during a match in Verdigre, NE when teaming with Cowboy Bob Ellis against Ox Baker & The Claw (Tom Andrews) while defending the Midwest tag team titles.
06-16-1971: Alberto Torres dies as the result of the injuries suffered three days earlier in a match in Verdigre, NE at Emmanuel Hospital in Omaha, NE.
Alberto Torres
06-18-1971: Bruno Sammartino & Dominic DeNucci win the WWWF International tag team titles from The Mongols (Geeto & Bepo) in Pittsburgh, PA.
The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) win the WWA tag team titles from Wilbur Snyder & Moose Cholak in Indianapolis.
St. Louis, MO: Kiel Auditorium: Attendance: 11,259: Steve Bolus & Luis Martinez defeat Mickey Doyle & Gene Madrid 2 falls to 1… Betty Nicoli defeats Marie Laverne… Sweet Daddy Siki defeats Yoshino Sato… Rufus R. Jones defeats Hans Schmidt… NWA Central States champion Harley Race defeats Dewey Robertson… Jack Brisco & Pat O'Connor defeat Blackjack Lanza & Bill Miller… NWA World Heavyweight champion Dory Funk Jr. defeats Johnny Valentine 2 falls to 1.
06-21-1971: WWWF at Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY: Attendance: 17,000: WWWF champion Pedro Morales defeated Luke Graham… Tarzan Tyler battled Gorilla Monsoon to a draw… Chief Jay Strongbow defeated Eddie Graham… Bob Roop defeated Manuel Soto… Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) defeated Akim Manuka & Mike Pappas… Dory Funk, Sr. defeated Bill White… Beautiful Bobby battled Jimmy Valiant to a draw… Black Demon defeated Jack Evans.
06-28-1971: In Memphis, TN: Mid-South Coliseum drawing 5,000: Cora Combs & George Strickland beat Ann Casey & Jesse Morales… Bearcat Brown pinned Johnny Long… Sputnik Monroe beat Tommy Gilbert… Southern Junior Heavyweight champion Len Rossi beat Mario Galento via DQ… Jackie Fargo & Jerry Jarrett beat Don & Al Greene to win the Southern tag team titles.
06-29-1971: Milwaukee, WI: Arena: Attendance 10,374: The Big K defeats Bill Howard… Don Muraco defeats Blackjack Lanza by DQ… Larry Hennig & Lars Anderson defeat Moose Cholak & Paul Diamond… Nick Bockwinkel defeats Bull Bullinski… Loser Leaves Town Match: The Crusher defeats Strong Kobayashi.
06-30-1971: Jumbo Miyamota & Akio Kyo are awarded the first AJW WWWA tag team championship.
07-02-1971: The Mongols (Geeto & Bepo) regain the WWWF International tag team titles from Bruno Sammartino & Dominic DeNucci in Pittsburgh, PA.
07-10-1971: WWWF: Boston, MA: Boston Garden: Attendance: 11,644: The Fabulous Moolah & the White Venus defeated Vicki Williams & Jan Sheridan… Little Beaver defeated Joey Russell… Bill White defeated Juan Caruso… Vincente Pometti defeated Mike Pappas… Manuel Soto defeated the Black Demon… Beautiful Bobby pinned Jimmy Valiant… WWWF champion Pedro Morales & Chief Jay Strongbow defeated Tarzan Tyler & Luke Graham via DQ.
San Francisco, CA: Cow Palace: Attendance 12,612: Pat Barrett defeats Bob Burns… Pepper Gomez defeats The Mighty Brutus… Pepper Martin & Peter Maivia & Rocky Johnson defeat Billy Graham & Dr. Ken Ramey & Pat Patterson… NWA San Francisco United States champion Paul DeMarco defeats Ray Stevens in a Texas Death Match.
07-11-1971: Toronto, Canada: Maple Leaf Gardens: Attendance: 10,000: The Haiti Kid defeats Frenchy Lamont… Dewey Robertson defeats Mike Loren… John Quinn defeats Man Mountain Cannon… Blackjack Mulligan defeats Lou Klein… NWA Toronto United States champion Tiger Jeet Singh defeats Hans Schmidt… Sweet Daddy Siki & Tex McKenzie wrestled The Love Brothers (Hartford Love & Reginald Love) to a Draw… Bobo Brazil & Dominic DeNucci defeat The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent)… Whipper Billy Watson & Haystacks Calhoun defeat Baron Mikel Scicluna & Chris Tolos by DQ… Texas Death Match: The Sheik defeats The Masked Assassin (Jerry Valiant).
07-12-1971: In Memphis, TN: Mid-South Coliseum drawing 6,400: Tommy Gilbert & Herb Welch beat The Infernos… Barbara Galento beat Paula Kaye… Robert Fuller beat Sputnik Monroe via DQ… Southern tag team champions Jackie Fargo & Jerry Jarrett battled Don & Al Greene to a no contest.
07-13-1971: Former World heavyweight champion Yvon Robert dies.
07-14-1971: Bubba Ray Dudley is born.
07-17-1971: Detroit, MI: Cobo Arena: Attendance 10,114: Baron Mikel Scicluna defeats Mickey Doyle… Mitsu Arakawa & Yoshino Sato defeat The Love Brothers (Hartford Love & Reginald Love) … Tiger Jeet Singh defeats Tim Brooks… The Stomper (Guy Mitchell) defeats Dutch Momberg… Al Costello & Joe Smith & Chris Tolos defeat Fred Curry & Lou Klein & Luis Martinez… Haystacks Calhoun defeats George Cannon by DQ… Blackjack Mulligan defeats Dewey Robertson… Loser Leaves Town Match: The Sheik defeats Tex McKenzie… NWA United States Heavyweight champion Bobo Brazil wrestled Bull Curry to a no contest.
07-19-1971: In Memphis, TN: Mid-South Coliseum drawing 6,500: Tommy Gilbert beat Don Romero… Jack Donovan beat Lavon Stone… Herb Welch beat Johnny Long… Dennis Hall beat Southern Junior Heavyweight champion Sputnik Monroe via DQ… Jackie Fargo & Tojo Yamamoto & Robert Fuller beat Steve Clements & Don & Al Greene in a no DQ match.
07-23-1971: One half of the AWA World tag team champions, Hercules Cortez is killed in a car accident at the age of 39. His partner Red Bastien later chooses The Crusher to replace him as tag team title co-holder.
newspaper ad for Nick Bockwinkel verses Hercules Cortez but Cortez is killed the day before in a car accident.
07-24-1971: WWWF at Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY: Attendance: 21,913: Pedro Morales & Gorilla Monsoon defeated Tarzan Tyler & Luke Graham by DQ… Bruno Sammartino defeated Blackjack Mulligan… Chief Jay Strongbow defeated Beautiful Bobby… Little Beaver defeated Joey Russell… Jimmy Valiant defeated Black Demon… Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) defeated Manuel Soto & Bill White… Mike Pappas defeated Jack Evans.
07-25-1971: Toronto, Canada: Maple Leaf Gardens: Attendance: 10,000: The Haiti Kid defeats Frenchy Lamonte… John Quinn defeats Lou Klein… Tiger Jeet Singh defeats Joe Christie… Dewey Robertson defeats Mike Loren… Guy Mitchell wrestled Hans Schmidt to a Draw… Chris Tolos & Fred Atkins wrestled Luis Martinez & Sweet Daddy Siki to a Draw… Haystacks Calhoun & Whipper Billy Watson defeat Baron Mikel Scicluna & Hans Schmidt… Dominic DeNucci & Lord Athol Layton defeat The Love Brothers (Hartford Love & Reginald Love) by DQ… Blackjack Mulligan defeats Tex McKenzie… The Sheik defeats NWA United States champion Bobo Brazil by DQ.
07-26-1971: In Memphis, TN: Mid-South Coliseum drawing 7,538: Sarah Lee & Jack Donovan beat Cora Combs & Carlos Montes… The Infernos beat Dennis Hall & Herb Welch… Southern Junior Heavyweight champion Sputnik Monroe beat Jackie Fargo… Southern tag team champions Don & Al Greene beat Tojo Yamamoto & Robert Fuller.
07-30-1971: In Los Angeles, CA: Olympic Auditorium drawing 11,104: Shown live on CCTV drawing 4,120: El Sicodelico beat Apolo… Kinji Shibuya & Mr. Saito beat Earl Maynard & Suni War Cloud… Mil Mascaras beat Bull Ramos… Black Gordman & Goliath beat The Medics… Raul Mata beat El Gran Markus… John Tolos beat Don Carson in a Roman gladiator death match to win the Americas title.
07-31-1971: Lord Jonathan Boyd defeats Kurt Von Steiger for the Pacific Northwest title.
AWA: Milwaukee, WI: Arena: Attendance 10,245: Butcher Vachon defeats Jack Bence… Vivian Vachon defeats Kay Noble… Ray Stevens defeats Red Bastien… Billy Robinson defeats The Big K… Andre Roussimoff (AKA: Andre the Giant) & Bull Bullinski defeat Larry Hennig & Lars Anderson in 2 falls… AWA World Heavyweight champion Verne Gagne defeats Nick Bockwinkel by DQ.
Peter Maivia defeats Paul Demarco for the U.S. (California) title in San Francisco at the Cow Palace with a crowd of 10,431. Also on the show: Pepper Gomez & Rocky Johnson defeated Superstar Billy Graham & Pat Patterson… Pepper Martin defeated Dr. Ken Ramey… Man Mountain Mike defeated Mighty Brutus… Pat Barrett defeated Bob Burns (Bobby Bruns?)
08-02-1971: In Memphis, TN: Mid-South Coliseum drawing 6,400: Jack Donovan beat Steve Kyle… Tommy Gilbert drew Eric Von Brauner… Jackie Fargo & Jerry Jarrett beat The Infernos… Tojo Yamamoto & Buddy & Robert Fuller beat Steve Clements & Don & Al Greene.
08-05-1971: Larry O’Day & Ron Miller win the Florida tag team titles from Ron Garvin & Ole Anderson in Jacksonville.'
08-07-1971: JWA: in Kawasaki, Japan: Kawasaki Baseball Stadium drawing 8,000: Antonio Inoki beat Victor Rivera… Giant Baba & Seiji Sakaguchi beat Chris Markoff & Art Michalik.
NWF: TV taping: Cleveland, OH: Arena: Attendance 11,794: Java Ruuk (Johnny Rodz) defeats The Executioner… Crusher Verdu defeats Mickey Doyle… Tony Parisi defeats Dr. X (Ron Sanders)… Eric The Red & Kurt von Hess defeat Pat Blake & The Stomper (Guy Mitchell)… Mad Dog Momberg defeats Mickey Doyle… Chief White Owl defeats Bull Johnson… The Executioner defeats Dr. X… Dominic DeNucci defeats Jack Vansky… Lil Abner Osborne defeats Pat Blake… Bulldog Brower defeats Dr. X… Luis Martinez defeats Bob White… Bobo Brazil defeats Dr. X… Mad Dog Momberg defeats Bull Johnson… Pete Sanchez defeats Dr. X… Bulldog Brower defeats Bull Johnson & Don Cochran… Eric The Red & Kurt von Hess defeat Jerry Novak & Lil Abner Osborne… Eric The Red & Kurt von Hess defeat Mickey Doyle & Pete Sanchez… Java Ruuk defeats Bull Johnson… The Mongols (Beppo & Geeto) defeat Dominic DeNucci & Jack Slade… Crusher Verdu defeats Don Lawson… Linda Klein & Lucille Dupree defeat Sherry Lane & Tanya West… Java Ruuk wrestled The Executioner to a Draw… Chief White Owl defeats Bruce Swayze & Crusher Verdu in a handicap match… Luis Martinez & The Stomper wrestled The Mongols (Beppo & Geeto) to a Double DQ… Bulldog Brower & Dominic DeNucci defeat NWF World Tag Team champions Eric The Red & Kurt von Hess to win the titles… Bobo Brazil defeats Ernie Ladd by DQ… NWF North American champion Waldo von Erich defeats Johnny Powers by DQ… 17 Man Battle Royal won by Tony Parisi.
08-09-1971: In Memphis, TN: Mid-South Coliseum drawing 8,028: Eddie Marlin beat Carlos Montes… Bearcat Brown beat Jack Donovan… Jackie Fargo & Jerry Jarrett beat Kurt & Karl Von Brauner via DQ… Tojo Yamamoto & Buddy & Robert Fuller beat Steve Clements & Al & Greene in after 19 falls of a Texas tornado death match.
08-16-1971: In Memphis, TN: Mid-South Coliseum drawing 9,985: Sputnik Monroe beat Steve Kyle… Eddie Marlin drew Jack Donovan… NWA World tag team champions Kurt & Karl Von Brauner battled Jerry Jarrett & Jackie Fargo to a no contest… Robert Fuller beat Steve Clements… Tojo Yamamoto & Robert Fuller beat Al Greene & Steve Clements.
08-20-1971: In Atlanta, GA, NWA World heavyweight champion Dory Funk, Jr. defeated Buddy Colt by DQ.
08-21-1971: Wilbur Snyder & Paul Christy win the WWA tag team titles from The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) in Indianapolis.
08-23-1971: In Memphis, TN: Mid-South Coliseum drawing 5,800: The Green Hornet (Roy Bass) beat Jimmy Kent… Sputnik Monroe & Jack Donovan beat Eddie Marlin & Buddy Lever… Jackie Fargo & Jerry Jarrett beat The Golden Terrors… Al Greene & Steve Clements beat Tojo Yamamoto & Robert Fuller in a no DQ match.
08-27-1971: Fred Blassie defeats John Tolos at Los Angeles Memorial Coliseum in front of 25,847 fans in a bloody match when the referee stops the match due to blood in one of the most famous matches ever held on the west coast. Also, Black Gordman & Goliath defeat Kenji Shibuya & Mr. Saito for the Americas tag team titles… Peter Maivia defeated Dutch Savage… El Gran Lothario defeated Ripper Collins… Cowboy Lane defeated Paul Demarco… The Sheik defeated Bobo Brazil… El Gran Markus defeated Suni War Cloud… The Medics defeated Earl Maynard & Apollo… El Sicodelico defeated Fidel Castillo.
08-30-1971: WWWF at Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY: Attendance: 16,720: WWWF champion Pedro Morales battled Stan Stasiak to a draw due to double blood stoppage… Tarzan Tyler & Luke Graham defeated Gorilla Monsoon & Chief Jay Strongbow… Karl Gotch defeated Black Demon… Dory Funk, Sr. & Terry Funk battled Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) to a draw… Manuel Soto battled Mike Monroe (AKA: Moose Morowski) to a draw… Joey Russell defeated Frenchy Lamont… Jimmy Valiant defeated Mike Pappas.
Toronto, Canada: Maple Leaf Gardens: Attendance: 10,000: Lucille Dupree defeats Mary Jane Mull… The Stomper (Jerry Valiant) defeats Mike Loren… Luis Martinez defeats Tim Brooks… Tiger Jeet Singh defeats Taro Sakuro… Lee Henning wrestled Sweet Daddy Siki to a Draw… Butcher Vachon & Mad Dog Vachon defeat Dewey Robertson & Lou Klein… Mitsu Arakawa & Mr. Sato defeat Ivan Kalmikoff & The Mighty Igor… Dominic DeNucci & Lord Athol Layton defeat Chris Tolos & Hans Schmidt by DQ… The Love Brothers (Hartford Love & Reginald Love) wrestled Bobo Brazil & Whipper Billy Watson to a Double DQ… John Quinn (Virgil the Kentucky Butcher) wrestled The Sheik to a Double DQ.
09-05-1971: Toronto, Canada: Maple Leaf Gardens: Attendance: 15,500: Lucille Dupree & Celine Fontaine defeated Mary Jane Mull & Cuddles Anderson… Ivan Kalmikoff defeated Taro Sakuro… Yvon Robert Jr. defeated Bob Chambers… Tiger Jeet Singh defeated Lee Henning… Billy Watson Jr. & Joey Russell defeated Tom Plooard & Frenchy Lamonte… Mitsu Arakawa & Yoshino Sato defeated Luis Martinez & The Stomper (Jerry Valiant) … The Love Brothers (Hartford Love & Reginald Love) defeated Lou Klein & The Mighty Igor… Lord Athol Layton defeated Chris Tolos by DQ… The Vachons (Butcher Vachon & Mad Dog Vachon) defeated Mike Loren & Dewey Robertson… Bobo Brazil & Whipper Billy Watson defeated Tim Brooks & Hans Schmidt… Texas Death Match: The Sheik defeated John Quinn.
09-06-1971: In Memphis, TN: Mid-South Coliseum drawing 5,400: Tony Russo & Omar Atlas beat The Alaskans (Mike York & Frank Monte) via DQ… Sputnik Monroe & The Black Panther (Norvell Austin) beat Oni Wiki Wiki & Eddie Marlin… Tojo Yamamoto & Robert Fuller & Roy Lee Welch battled Steve Clements & Don & Al Greene to a no contest.
09-10-1971: Ramon Torres defeats Roger Kirby for the NWA World Junior title in Monroe, LA.
09-16-1971: Richard Slinger (Richard Acelinger) is born. Slinger is the cousin of Terry Gordy.
09-20-1971: In Memphis, TN: Mid-South Coliseum drawing 5,900: Kurt & Karl Von Brauner beat Jim Alexi & Oni Wiki Wiki… Jerry Jarrett beat The Green Hornet (Roy Bass)… Jackie Fargo beat Al Greene… Sputnik Monroe & The Black Panther (Norvell Austin) beat Eddie Marlin & Tojo Yamamoto… Southern Junior Heavyweight champion Don Greene beat Robert Fuller in a no DQ match.
09-23-1971: Osamu Nishimura is born.
09-24-1971: EMLL 38th Anniversary Show in Mexico City, Mexico: Arena Mexico: Renato Torres beat Ciclon Veloz, Jr. in a hair vs. hair match.
09-26-1971: Toronto, Canada: Maple Leaf Gardens: Attendance: 15,000: Michele Barone wrestled Ricki Stewart to a Draw… Baron Mikel Scicluna wrestled Tony Parisi to a Draw… Dewey Robertson defeats Chin Lee… Mighty Ursus defeats Tim Brooks… Bomber Bouchard & Jos LeDuc wrestled Ivan Kalmikoff & The Mighty Igor to a Draw… Luis Martinez & Sweet Daddy Siki wrestled The Love Brothers (Hartford Love & Reginald Love) to a Draw… Bobo Brazil & Lord Athol Layton defeat Chris Tolos & Man Mountain Cannon… The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) defeat Haystacks Calhoun & Whipper Billy Watson by Count Out… Bulldog Brower defeats Lee Henning… NWA Toronto United States champion Tiger Jeet Singh fought The Sheik to a Double Count Out.
10-01-1971: St. Louis, MO: Arena: Attendance 10,106: Steve Bolus defeats Gene Madrid… Vivian Vachon & Ethel Johnson defeat Kay Noble & Marva Scott 2 falls to 1… Hans Schmidt defeats Greg Valentine… Dick the Bruiser defeats Mike Paidousis… Jack Brisco & Rufus R. Jones & Pat O'Connor defeat Bill Miller & Blackjack Lanza & Baron Von Raschke… NWA World Heavyweight champion Dory Funk Jr. defeats Harley Race 2 falls to 1. Special referee Lou Thesz.
10-07-1971: Bobby Duncum wins a tournament in Tampa, FL for the Southern title.
10-09-1971: In Atlanta, GA at WOXI studios Big Bad John defeated Klondike Bill for the Georgia TV title.
10-11-1971: In Memphis, TN: Mid-South Coliseum drawing 5,300: Eddie Marlin & Dwayne Peal beat The Golden Terrors… Inferno 1 beat The Green Hornet (Roy Bass) in a mask vs. mask match… Kurt & Karl Von Brauner beat Oni Wiki Wiki & Omar Atlas… Sputnik Monroe & Norvell Austin beat Tojo Yamamoto & Robert Fuller to win the Southern tag team titles. Monroe would have been painted yellow if his team lost.
10-14-1971: Dick the Bruiser wins the Indianapolis WWA World title from Baron Von Raschke.
10-15-1971: Ray Gunkel wins the Georgia TV title from Big John in Atlanta, GA.
10-17-1971: Toronto, Canada: Maple Leaf Gardens: Attendance: 16,000: Michele Barone wrestled Ricki Stewart to a Draw… Carlos Rocha defeated Don Serrano… Yvon Robert Jr. defeated Arnold Skaaland… Tony Parisi & Dominic DeNucci vs. Jos LeDuc & Bomber Bouchard to a Draw… Baron Mikel Scicluna & Chris Tolos wrestled Luis Martinez & The Mighty Ursus to a Draw… The Vachons (Mad Dog Vachon & Butcher Vachon) defeated Lou Klein & Dewey Robertson… Whipper Billy Watson & Bulldog Brower defeated The Love Brothers (Hartford Love & Reginald Love) by DQ… Lord Athol Layton wrestled Dingo The Sundowner to a Double Count Out… NWA World Women's champion Fabulous Moolah defeated Vicki Williams… Jean Ferre (Andre the Giant) defeated Lee Henning… Non-Title Strap Match: Tiger Jeet Singh fought The Sheik to a Double Count Out.
10-18-1971: In Memphis, TN: Mid-South Coliseum drawing 10,187: George Strickland beat Roy Bass… The Infernos beat The Golden Terrors… Len Rossi beat Jack Donovan… Kurt & Karl Von Brauner beat Dennis Hall & Tommy Gilbert… NWA World tag team champions The Interns beat Kevin Sullivan & Jerry Jarrett… Tojo Yamamoto & Bearcat Brown & Ron & Robert Fuller beat Sputnik Monroe & The Black Panther (Norvell Austin) & Al & Don Greene… Oni Wiki Wiki & Omar Atlas & Eddie Marlin beat Ken Ramey & Saul Weingroff & Steve Clements… Bearcat Brown won a battle royal.
10-19-1971: St. Louis Arena: Attendance 12,614: Dan Miller wrestled Ronnie Etchison to a Time Limit Draw… Betty Niccoli defeats Barbara Galento… Eddie Graham defeats Ron Sanders… Referee: Joe Louis: The Funks (Terry Funk & Dory Funk Sr.) defeat Bennie Ramirez & Big Bill Miller in 2 falls… NWA Central States champion Harley Race defeat Jerry Brisco… Dick the Bruiser & Rufus R. Jones & Pat O'Connor defeat Baron Von Raschke & Hans Schmidt & Blackjack Lanza… NWA World Heavyweight champion Dory Funk Jr. defeats Jack Brisco.
10-23-1971: Dick the Bruiser promotes his first WWA show in Detroit, MI. Baron Von Raschke is recognized as the first champion and loses the title on the first show to Dick the Bruiser. This is a repeat of their Indianapolis title change on October 14.
At Cobo Hall in Detroit, MI with a crowd of 8,748 fans NWA World heavyweight champion Dory Funk, Jr. defeated Ernie Ladd… Bobo Brazil battled Wild Bull Curry to a double DQ… Johnny Valentine defeated Rocky Johnson… The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) & Chris Tolos & Dingo the Sundowner defeated Lou Klein & The Great Igor & Dewey Robertson & Flying Fred Curry… Luke Graham defeated Gorilla Monsoon… Pat O’Connor battled Cyclone Negro to a draw… Mil Mascaras defeated Freddie Blassie… Eddie Graham defeated Buddy Fuller… Joey Russell & Pewee defeated Frenchy Lamont & Sky Low Low… Jess Ortega defeated Gentleman Ben… Hans Schmidt defeated Ivan Kalmikoff.
10-25-1971: WWWF at Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY: Attendance: 22,070: WWWF champion Pedro Morales defeated Stan Stasiak… Chief Jay Strongbow & Victor Rivera defeated Tarzan Tyler & Luke Graham… Gorilla Monsoon defeated Mike Monroe… Rugged Russians (Pedro Godoy & Juan Sebastian) defeated Mike Pappas & Mike Conrad… Karl Gotch defeated Beautiful Bobby… Jimmy Valiant defeated Manuel Soto… Rene Goulet defeated Juan Caruso.
In Memphis, TN at Mid-South Coliseum: Sputnik Monroe & Norvell Austin beat Len Rossi & Bearcat Brown to win the vacant Southern tag team titles.
10-27-1971: Rudy Dusek (Rudy Hason) dies at the age of 70.
10-30-1971: In Detroit, MI at Cobo Arena with a crowd of 6,321: The Sheik defeated Tiger Jeet Singh in a chain match… Bobo Brazil defeated Wild Bill Curry by DQ… The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) & George Cannon defeated Great Igor & Flying Fred Curry & Lord Athol Layton… Chris Tolos battled The Stomper (Guy Mitchell) to a draw… Yoshino Sato & Mitsu Arakawa battled Tony Parisi & Dominic Denucci to a draw… Baron Mikel Scicluna defeated Gorilla Monsoon… Zebra Kid battled Jess Ortega to a draw… Dingo defeated Lou Klein… Gentleman Ben the wrestling bear defeated Mike Loren & George Allen & Jess Ortega & Jack Vansky & Lou Klein & Tim Brooks & Bob White… Hans Schmidt defeated Dewey Robertson… Lucille Dupree & Tanya West defeated Mary Jane Mull & Linda Klein.
10-31-1971: Toronto, Canada: Maple Leaf Gardens: Attendance 15,000: Pee Wee Adams & Sonny Boy Hayes defeat Little Brutus & Sky Low Low… The Vachons (Butcher Vachon & Mad Dog Vachon) defeat Dewey Robertson & Reg Parks… Lee Henning wrestled Michele Barone to a Draw… Lou Klein wrestled Ricki Stewart to a Draw… Edouard Carpentier & Yvon Robert Jr. defeat The Love Brothers (Hartford Love & Reginald Love) by DQ… Dominic DeNucci & Lord Athol Layton defeat Bomber Bouchard & Jos LeDuc… Bulldog Brower & Whipper Billy Watson defeat Baron Mikel Scicluna & Chris Tolos by DQ… Luis Martinez defeats The Mighty Ursus… Jean Ferre (Andre the Giant) defeats Tim Brooks… Carlos Rocha defeats Jerry Gosselin… Non-Title Strap Match: The Sheik defeats Tiger Jeet Singh.
11-05-1971: St. Louis, MO: Kiel Auditorium: Attendance 11,912: Bennie Ramirez wrestled Steve Bolus to a Time Limit Draw… Rufus R. Jones defeats Hans Schmidt… Brisco Brothers (Jack Brisco & Jerry Brisco) defeat Miller Brothers (Bill Miller & Dan Miller) 2 falls to 1… Five Man Wrestle Royal Match: Wee Willie Wilson defeats Bobo Johnson and Little Jumbo and Lord Littlebrook and Sam Jackson… Dick the Bruiser defeats Blackjack Lanza & Bobby Heenan in a handicap… NWA Central States champion Harley Race defeats Pat O'Connor.
11-06-1971: Rocky Johnson managed by Dr. Ken Ramey wins the U.S. (California) title by defeating Paul Demarco in San Francisco, CA at the Cow Palace. Attendance 11,650: Also: Don Carson wrestled Paul Diamond to a Time Limit Draw… Roger Kirby defeats Ricky Hunter… Great Goliath defeats Sal Lothario… Billy Graham & Pat Patterson & Ripper Collins defeat Pepper Gomez & Pepper Martin & Peter Maivia.
11-08-1971: In Memphis, TN at the Mid-South Coliseum: Robert Fuller & Bearcat Brown beat Sputnik Monroe & Norvell Austin to win the Southern tag team titles.
11-12-1971: Luke Graham & Tarzan Tyler win the WWWF International tag team titles from The Mongols (Geeto & Bepo) in Pittsburgh, PA.
11-15-1971: WWWF at Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY: Attendance: 22,089: WWWF champion Pedro Morales defeated Fred Blassie by blood stoppage… Chief Jay Strongbow & Victor Rivera defeated Tarzan Tyler & Luke Graham by DQ… Gorilla Monsoon defeated Stan Stasiak… Rugged Russians defeated Jimmy Valiant & Beautiful Bobby… Karl Gotch defeated Mike Monroe… Rene Goulet battled Manuel Soto to a draw… Black Demon defeated Chuck Richards.
11-19-1971: St. Louis, MO: Arena: Attendance 12,614: Dan Miller wrestled Ronnie Etchison to a Time Limit Draw… Betty Niccoli defeats Barbara Galento… Eddie Graham defeats Ron Sanders… Referee: Joe Louis: The Funks (Dory Funk Sr. & Terry Funk) defeat Bennie Ramirez & Big Bill Miller in 2 straight falls… NWA Central States champion Harley Race defeats Jerry Brisco… Dick the Bruiser & Pat O'Connor & Rufus R. Jones defeat Blackjack Lanza & Hans Schmidt & Baron Von Raschke… NWA World Heavyweight champion Dory Funk Jr. defeats Jack Brisco. Goes to a time limit with Dory Funk, Jr. winning the only fall.
11-20-1971: Waldo Von Erich defeats Johnny Powers for the National Wrestling Federation (NWF) title in Akron, OH.
11-23-1971: Bobby Shane wins the Southern (Florida) title from George Gaiser in Tampa.
11-26-1971: A tournament is held in Atlanta, GA for the Georgia tag team titles. In the tournament are The Assassins, Flash Monroe & Oki Shikina, Klondike Bill & Great Scott, Big Bag John & Mr. X, Buddy Colt & Billy Spears, El Mongol & Jimmy Dancing Bear, and Bill Dromo & Bob Armstrong. The Assassins win the tournament finals over Bill Dromo & Bob Armstrong.
The Detroit, MI promotional war continues. Dick the Bruiser’s WWA Promotion features: At the Olympia in front of 3,211 fans: Baron Von Raschke defeats Dick the Bruiser for the Detroit WWA title. Also, Blackjack Lanza & Blackjack Mulligan win the WWA tag team titles over Wilbur Snyder & Paul Christy… Sailor Art Thomas battled Dan Miller to a draw… The Professor battled Bill Miller to a draw… Paula Steele defeated Mary Pringle… Ricky Cortez defeated Jack Mann… Mad Dog & Butcher Vachon defeated Frankie Adonis & Al Demarco.
The Sheik’s promotion at the Fairgrounds in front of 6,820 fans: The Sheik defeated Mighty Igor… Prince La Kea defeated Jess Ortega… Thunderbolt Patterson defeated Hans Schmidt by DQ… Dingo defeated Dewey Robertson… Danny Hodge defeated Rip Hawk… It is unclear from the newspaper report what Waldo Von Erich was doing… Luis Martinez defeated Kenji Shibuya… Don Kent defeated Ben Justice… Chris Tolos defeated Tony Parisi… Al Costello defeated Ivan Kalmikoff… Joey Russell & Haiti Kid defeated Pee Wee Adams & Frenchy Lamont… Ethel Johns defeated Marva Scott.
11-29-1971: In Memphis, TN: Mid-South Coliseum drawing 5,200: Dennis Hall & Eddie Marlin beat The Blue Infernos… Jerry Jarrett & Robert Fuller beat Southern tag team champions Kurt & Karl Von Brauner via DQ… Tojo Yamamoto & Jackie Fargo battled Sputnik Monroe & Norvell Austin to a no contest.
Baron Von Raschke defeats Dick the Bruiser for the Indianapolis WWA title.
Dick the Bruiser
11-30-1971: “Whipper” Billy Watson is hit by a car while doing repairs to his own automobile on the roadside. His knee is badly injured and he never wrestles again.
12-03-1971: Dr. X (Jim Osbourne) defeats Ramon Torres in Oklahoma City for the NWA World Junior title.
In Pittsburgh, PA with a crowd of 9,004: Tarzan Tyler & Luke Graham defeated Bruno Sammartino & Bepo Mongol to retain the WWWF tag team titles… The Battman (Tony Marino) battled Baron Mikel Scicluna to a double DQ… The Executer defeated Chief Little Bear… Gene DuBois defeated The Beast… John L. Sullivan (AKA: Johnny Valiant) defeated Tony Altamore… Mitsu Arakawa & Yoshino defeated Johnny DeFozio & Frank Holtz.
12-04-1971: In St. Paul, MN with a crowd of 8,500: Nick Bockwinkel defeated Verne Gagne by DQ to retain the AWA World heavyweight title… Lars Anderson defeated Dr. X (Dick Beyer)… Ivan Koloff defeated Joe Scarpello & Jack Bence… Cowboy Lang & Bob Johnson defeated Tiger Thomas & Little Bruiser… Bull Bullinski defeated Big K… Bill Howard defeated Trech Phillips.
12-06-1971: WWWF at Madison Square Garden in New York City, NY: Attendance: 22,091: WWWF champion Pedro Morales defeated Fred Blassie in a Roman Gladiator Match… Karl Gotch & Rene Goulet defeated Tarzan Tyler & Luke Graham to win the WWWF World tag team titles. This is the crowning of the first WWWF World tag team champions, though Gotch & Goulet are said to have won the titles in a tournament in New Orleans, this, however, was actually the match where the champions were crowned… Chief Jay Strongbow battled Stan Stasiak to a draw… Victor Rivera defeated Jimmy Valiant… Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) battled Rugged Russians to a draw… Manuel Soto defeated Mike Monroe… Farmer Jerome & Sonny Boy Hayes defeated Sky Low Low & Little Brutus.
12-07-1971: Dory Funk, Jr. & Terry Funk defeat Giant Baba & Antonio Inoki for the NWA International tag team title. This would be Inoki’s last JWA match.
12-08-1971: Dominic DeNucci defeats Waldo Von Erich for the NWF title in Buffalo, NY.
Mike York & Frank Monte “The Alaskans” win the Florida tag team titles from Larry O’Day & Ron Miller.
12-11-1971: At Boston Garden in Boston, MA with a crowd of 8,400: WWWF champion Pedro Morales defeated Stan Stasiak… The Russians 1 & 2 defeated Luke Graham & Tarzan Tyler… Jimmy Valiant battled Victor Rivera to a double count out… Chief Jay Strongbow battled Freddie Blassie to a double count out… Sky Low Low & Little Brutus defeated Joey Russell & Farmer Jerome… Rene Goulet defeated Mike Monroe… Karl Gotch defeated Manuel Soto.
12-12-1971: Toronto: Canada: Maple Leaf Gardens: Attendance 14,000: King Curtis defeats Lou Klein… Raymond Rougeau defeats Paul LeDuc… Ben Justice defeats Man Mountain Cannon by DQ… Carlos Rocha defeats Bomber Bouchard… Hans Schmidt & Lee Henning wrestled Ricki Stewart & The Executioner (Donn Lewin) to a Draw… Baron Mikel Scicluna & Chris Tolos wrestled Ivan Kalmikoff & The Mighty Igor to a Draw… The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) wrestled Tony Marino & Tony Parisi to a Draw… Bulldog Brower & Dewey Robertson wrestled The Love Brothers (Hartford Love & Reginald Love) to a Draw… Killer Kowalski defeats Ernie Schwaab… Michele Barone & Tiger Jeet Singh defeat Joe Christie & The Mighty Ursus… Mexican Death Match: The Sheik defeats Luis Martinez.
12-13-1971: Antonio Inoki is fired from the JWA for planning a coup attempt. Inoki forms New Japan Pro Wrestling.
12-17-1971: Ray Gunkel & Buddy Fuller win their third Georgia tag team championship over The Assassins (Tom Renesto & Jody Hamilton).
12-18-1971: In Detroit, MI at Cobo Arena with a crowd of 8,136 fans: The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) win the Detroit NWA World tag team titles from Ben Justice & The Stomper (Guy Mitchell) to gain the vacant titles… Bobo Brazil battled Johnny Valentine to a double DQ… The Sheik defeated Wild Bull Curry… Mighty Igor defeated Dingo the Sundowner… The Stomper (Guy Mitchell) & Ben Justice defeated The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent)… Pampero Firpo defeated Sonny King… Lord Athol Layton defeated King Curtis Iaukea… Ernie Ladd battled Flying Fred Curry to a draw… Tiger Jeet Singh defeated Dr. X… Bulldog Brower defeated Bobby Blaine… Stan Kowalski (The Big K) defeated Ron Sanders… Dory Funk, Sr. defeated Baron Mikel Scicluna by DQ… Tony Marino defeated Killer Tim Brooks… Lou Klein defeated Zebra Kid… Jess Ortega defeated Hell’s Angel 1.
Blackjack Lanza & Blackjack Mulligan win the WWA tag team titles from Wilbur Snyder & Paul Christy in Indianapolis.
12-26-1971: San Francisco, CA: Cow Palace: Attendance 11,159: Two Men Vs One Bear: Terrible Ted The Wrestling Bear defeats Billy Graham & Nick Adams by Count Out… Don Carson wrestled Ricky Hunter to a Draw… Roger Kirby defeats Red Bastien… Kinji Shibuya defeats Paul Diamond… Pepper Gomez & Peter Maivia & Ray Stevens defeat Haru Sasaki & Paul DeMarco & Ripper Collins… NWA San Francisco United States champion Rocky Johnson defeats Pat Patterson 2 falls to 1.
12-27-1971: Joanie Lauer (Chyna) is born.
12-30-1971: NWF: Cleveland, OH: Arena: Attendance 10,029: John L. Sullivan (Johnny Valiant) defeats The Executioner… Eric The Red wrestled Pete Sanchez to a Time Limit Draw… Chief White Owl & Sonny King & Tony Marino & Tony Parisi defeat The Fabulous Kangaroos (Al Costello & Don Kent) & Mad Dog Momberg & Man Mountain Cannon… Abdullah The Butcher defeats NWF North American champion Johnny Powers by DQ… German Death Barbed Wire Match: Waldo Von Erich defeats Dominic DeNucci reported by the newspaper as, "One of the goriest matches ever in this town".
1971: Greg Wojokowski (AKA: Great Wojo) wins the NCAA championship as a heavyweight out of Toledo University.
Dory Funk, Jr.
DragonKingKarl (Karl Stern) is a long time pro wrestling historian who has been published in books, newsletters, and podcasts since the mid-1990s.
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